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In the HVAC industry, your company’s ability to grow and stay in business is only as good as its ability to generate new leads and turn them into loyal customers. 

What are leads? The term “lead” refers to someone (a person or a company) whom you’ve “broken the ice” with. You’re communicating with them over the phone, via text, email, etc., because they are interested in your HVAC services

Your goal is to convince the lead to choose you instead of your competition.  

While having a solid base of satisfied clients is the first priority, a close second is maintaining a steady stream of new leads—the key to doing this is creating a proven and adaptable lead-generation system that you constantly attend to. 

In this article, we'll unveil four unique and actionable strategies for developing high-quality HVAC leads.

1. Optimize and Maintain Your Website

While most businesses have websites, only a few have aesthetically pleasing sites that potential leads bat their eyes at. While beautifying your website is not rocket science, you must follow these two rules of thumb:

Create an Attention-Stealing, Interactive Site

If you’re not a site developer, worry not. Wix, Squarespace, and Adalo are intuitive, drag-and-drop platforms that enable tech-challenged people to design websites as if they were Computer Science Nobel Laureates.

You’ll need to determine a slick color combo that fits your brand and keeps leads glued to their screens. As you develop each page, ensure that leads can always find your operating hours and phone number and quickly fill out contact forms. 

Many drag-and-drop website builders feature helpful user-experience-boosting add-ons that are aimed at driving leads. Consider creating a quote calculator that leads can enter their unique information into to get an idea of costs, or insert a live chat that’s connected to your booking software for effortless scheduling

Making your site interactive can save you time and communicate with leads rapidly.

Feature Your Work and How It’s Done 

Upload visuals illustrating your work. HVAC installation is a process, so include a few short videos taking leads through different installations. Videos will showcase your skills and give leads an idea about how you work

Let your leads know how your work makes clients feel at ease by posting client testimonials on your site corresponding with each HVAC project assembled by your team. If you don’t have any, consider knocking a few dollars off of your next installation in return for a testimonial your customer is happy for you to use publicly.

Integrate Social Media and Maintain Your Site’s Functionality 

It’s important that your site links to your social media pages. Linking your site to social media allows leads to quickly jump over to your YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok pages and watch the residential air conditioning unit installation your team performed yesterday. By showing recent work, you’re signaling to leads that you’re popular and in demand.


2. Dominate the Google Search Engine Results Page

Now that your gorgeous site runs quickly and is connected to your social accounts, it’s time to attract some leads. Leads will most likely search for HVAC professionals using Google. To increase the chances that you appear at the top of their search results, here’s what you need to do: 

Optimize your Google Business Profile Page 

Don’t be one of the many companies that neglect to complete their Google Business Profile Page. Completing this task involves following these simple steps:  

  1. Navigate to the Google Business Profile Page.
  2. Fill out the form, giving precise details about your HVAC company. These include your location, hours, phone number, and website.
  3. Upload some pictures of your business to your Google Business profile. 
  4. Ensure the profile is integrated with Google Maps, and turn on customer reviews. 
  5. Treat your Google Business Profile page like social media—post pictures or videos of new installations, projects, and products frequently. 

Think of the Google Business Profile as the 21st century’s Yellow Pages. Google Business Profile enables you to showcase shining customer reviews, your work, and how to contact you. More interaction on Google Business profile should give you more exposure to leads’ search engine results. 

Publish a Blog with Your Own HVAC Insights

If you want to stand out from other HVAC Companies, publish a blog illustrating your expertise. When leads read your blog and learn something, you gain topic authority, demonstrating expertise and competence. Demonstrating your knowledge can show leads that you’re the right company to safely install that new furnace they desperately need. Here are a few attention-snatching topics: 

  • HVAC Maintenance for Homeowners, guiding readers through cleaning their own HVAC systems, changing filters, and performing other fixtures.
  • Understanding HVAC Energy Efficiency Ratings, explaining terms like SEER and AFUE ratings, and the best HVAC systems for the highest ratings.
  • The Importance of Indoor Air Quality¸ discussing how certain HVAC system features affect indoor air quality and how leads can improve the air quality inside their homes or businesses.
  • Common HVAC Issues and How to Fix Them, listing out common issues you may encounter with your HVAC systems and how to resolve each one.
  • Cutting Edge HVAC Technology, covering the latest HVAC technology advancements, their costs, and your professional opinion about each. 

You don’t need to publish Pulitzer Prize-winning material. Just ensure the blogs contain information that teaches readers something new and makes them remember that you are the local HVAC Guru

*Pro-Tip: Add a dash of SEO with Google Keyword Planner after signing up for Google Ads. Doing this will help you find popular keywords used in your area. Insert keywords into your blog with a monthly search volume of over 100 and a low or easy competition level. 

Run Pay-Per-Click Ads

Chomping at the bit for that top spot on the search results page? 

A quick way to skip the ranking and get to the top of the search results page is to purchase pay-per-click (PPC) ads. Google and Facebook allow you to “buy clicks in bulk,” meaning you pay for a bulk amount of money deducted each time a lead clicks on your site from the ad. Once your money has run out, the ad campaign is over. 

PPC ad costs are always determined by keyword popularity: the more popular the keyword, the higher the price. Google and Facebook will conveniently give you a list of non-competitive keywords that at least 100 people search for monthly. Since these aren’t highly competitive, their per-click cost should be low. Choose one of these keywords for your PPC campaign.  

For those on a tight budget, run PPC ads every two weeks. But if you have a marketing budget that would make Don Draper drool, regularly running PPC ads could be a winning strategy

3. Create a Customized Mobile App for Booking, Communication, Referrals, and Rewards 

Creating an app customized to your HVAC business using Adalo can be a game-changing lead-generation tool. Adalo is an app builder designed for lay people who have never written any code

Leveraging no-code technology, Adalo gives non-technical folks the ability to build their own unique apps using a swift drag-and-drop interface. Your own app can play a major role in helping you generate more leads. Below are some app features that can supercharge lead generation: 

  • Create a Maintenance App that illustrates your non-installation services like maintenance, air-conditioner cleaning, and more. Give users the option to book these services directly from the app. Add on client testimonials for each service you provide.
  • Integrate a Live Chat widget that allows clients to bypass scrolling through their contacts and directly contact you with just a single tap.
  • Push Notifications that inform leads when routine maintenance is due, limited-time offers, advertises the newest and most energy-efficient aircon unit clients can upgrade to, or a freshly published blog.
  • Referral and Rewards Coupons that your clients can share with their friends and contacts. You can create special coupons giving clients service discounts when they refer a friend to your app or leave positive reviews. Be sure to give new customers a special deal on their first HVAC service for reaching out. 

Adalo lets you publish your custom-made app on the Apple iOS and Google Play App stores. You can also give leads the option to download your app right from your website, so be sure to make your downloadable app visible to all site visitors. 

4. Partnerships: Wells of Local Business Leads

Your community offers a sea of untapped networking potential, home to fleets of leads. We’re talking about the products businesses sell that would be enhanced by installing your HVAC in tandem. 

Several indoor products require specific temperature conditions to last. Muggy climates can wreak moldy havoc inside homes. Households and businesses with well-maintained ventilation, air conditioners, and dehumidifiers—staple HVAC technologies you offer—provide a formidable defensive barrier against these fungal pests. 

Find your potential partners using Google and social media. Be sure to gently guide them toward your social media, website, and custom-made apps. Here are a few starter ideas of businesses that you can build some serious synergy with: 

Local Construction Companies and Contractors

Many times, people building a new home will purchase an HVAC system from their homebuilder. Building companies will most likely subcontract HVAC installation to HVAC specialists. These companies are significant leads and can provide steady installation work if you build business relationships with them. 

Real Estate Agencies

Whether they sell houses or leases, real estate agents are significant lead sources. Real estate agents frequently need HVAC professionals for their properties' inspections, repairs, or upgrades. Building relationships with real estate agents gives you the opportunity to be their go-to expert, potentially leading to a steady stream of leads.

Green Energy Consultancies 

It’s no secret green energy consultants are popping up everywhere, providing energy-efficiency-boosting advice to households. Your HVAC product portfolio most likely has a few of the most high-tech, cutting-edge, green-heating-and-cooling machines available. You know, machines that do what these consultants talk about.  

You know what they most likely don’t: each system’s technical ends and outs, the newest systems, and how much energy each system can save. Reach out to these consultants, educate them about your energy-saving HVAC systems, and offer your services—they might be substantial leads.  

*Pro-Tip: By reading your blog, green energy consultants could benefit from learning about your green products and how they function. Reading your insights can convince them you’re a green HVAC expert, winning their trust. 

When reaching out, provide these consultants with links to your articles featuring green HVAC topics so they’ll immediately know where to learn what you have to teach them.  

Bonus Pro-Tip: Other green-energy companies can provide you with leads. Be sure to reach out to solar panel installers and solar battery storage companies (The companies that make big batteries for saving solar energy). Their customers might want your super-efficient heating system to complement those solar panels and batteries they just installed. 


Keep The Leads Hot—and Transform Them Into Clients 

Once a person contacts you, immediately respond. Lead generation’s cardinal sin is dropping the ball and not responding instantly to leads. If a lead needs an HVAC service done yesterday and you don’t answer the call, your competitor will. 

Leads will most likely never recommend non-responding HVAC companies to their friends. In fact, they might even damage your reputation. So, always respond to leads.

From Lead to Client: Close Business Properly

Forward each lead’s contact information to someone on your team who can close a sale. Ensure you have a proper sales funnel that clearly defines which employees are responsible for passing leads and which are responsible for converting leads to sales. An adequate funnel will keep your operations running smoothly, prevent conflicts between staff, and illustrate a significant degree of professionalism on your part. 

Get more Leads with Adalo

Still thinking about that customizable app we mentioned earlier?

Adalo comes packed with plenty of customizable templates ready to go. You’ll find several features you can tailor to get more HVAC leads, like push notifications, appointment bookings, and loyalty certificates.

Adalo’s intuitive, no-code app builder is used by hundreds of small businesses just like yours. Quickly bring your apps to life by publishing them on the

Adalo’s intuitive, no-code app builder is used by hundreds of small businesses just like yours. Quickly bring your apps to life by publishing them on the Apple iOS and Google Play App stores. Adalo allows you to build your custom app free of a painful learning curve and without coding knowledge. 

Start building your HVAC app for free.

Quoting App for HVAC Installers

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