The #NoCodeConnectsUs Challenge, in partnership with NuCode, was born from the need for our world to adapt to the COVID-19 crisis. In the world of no-code, companies, freelancers, and individuals alike are able to contribute to their communities to help keep everyone connected in a way that was previously impossible. 👏Using the Adalo platform, participants were encouraged to create an app that would help ease some of the anxiety surrounding social distancing or lesson some of the pain of small businesses or essential workers.
We were astounded by the turnout — both in the creative solutions to solving some pressing problems but also in how everyone used Adalo. This work showcases the power of no-code and the community that we’re working to build: one that not only sees a problem, but dares to implement a solution. These participants are also competing for a chance at 10 months of a free Adalo Pro subscription. The winner is determined by your vote — so head on over to NuCode and make sure to vote for your favs by April 27th! 👍
🙏 Thank you to all of our participants for demonstrating the power of no-code and for taking this time to flex your creativity and blow us away!
Support Upstate SC
An app and web-based tool to help support South Carolina-based restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic. This app really highlights some of the truly outstanding solutions that are able to be addressed by no-code platforms! 🔥Way to go!
Download on Apple App Store | Go Vote!
For people that find themselves with a little extra time on their hands, Emily’s app, Tulip, is looking to help you set your business plan in motion. She hopes her app “will help your great idea bloom from notes on paper into a dynamic new startup.” We love when people are looking to help others grow! 🌱🌷
Start Growing Your Idea Here! | Go Vote!
Tutors is coming at COVID-19 from two different angles — not only to help people that currently find themselves without a job make some extra cash, but also to help students that need a little extra help! Sign us up for some learnin’!
Sign Up to Teach a Class | Go Vote!
Samantha says, “Moonifesting allows you to access the innate magic inside of you by connecting with the energy of the moon phases.” We’re not sure about you but we definitely need to connect with the energy of the moon during this pandemic! 🌙
Check out her Beautiful Website | Start 'Moonifesting' on iOS & Android | Go Vote!
Tracking the spread of COVID-19 has looked different for different countries. Gil’s app is looking to help family units track their COVID-19 symptoms to self-report. 📉Great idea for a pressing problem!
Algorithms are pretty powerful when it comes to suggesting things that might be a good fit for you and your interests — but what about all the content you’re missing? See what content your friends recommend and maybe find something new you didn’t even know you would enjoy! 🎥
Start Upvoting Away Here | Go Vote!
NoCode Locals
There really isn’t a better way to make a connection than by actually connecting with people that are just like you! Seth’s app helps unite the No Code community and create better bonds with locals. Nothing says #NoCodeConnectsUs quite like NoCode Locals.
Meet Other No-Coders | Go Vote!
When this is ALL over
During this time of global pandemic, many of us are facing realities that have given us a lot of time to reflect. 💭How do we want our lives to look when this is all over? With some intention, this app can help nudge you in the right direction, even after this is all over.
Lockdown Jobs
Joey worked to submit many apps to the #NoCodeConnectsUs challenge, each addressing many of the anxieties we’re all feeling. Lockdown Jobs is an app designed to help anyone without a job offer their services, big or small, during this time. Great job, Joey! We love the enthusiasm! 🙌
Kevin has said, “I have had my app in mind for some time now and if COVID-19 has a positive, it’s that it’s highlighted how vulnerable our most vulnerable truly are, especially when we are locked away from them.” What a wonderful mission to spend time creating a solution for those that have been impacted!
Help a Helper
Essential workers are being stretched to their limits while still juggling their normal home-life during this not-so-normal time. 🏥Colin’s app addresses this problem by connecting essential workers with helpers that can help with anything from childcare to grocery shopping. Awesome job, Colin!
Start Helping a Helper | Go Vote!
We are simply blown away by the participation in the #NoCodeConnectsUs challenge! We hope that this serves as an inspiration to any person looking to solve a problem with an app — there’s a lot that can be done, we’re just waiting for you!
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