Updated Sep 24, 2024

Sprucing Up Support, Slack, & Sunsets

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We’re sprucing up our support process! Here are a few of the changes to be aware of: 

  1. Reach the Adalo team through a support ticket (found here). Our ticket ensures we get all the information we need to help you out way faster! It’s a win-win; no emails, please!
  2. Curious about what the Adalo team will help with? Check out our statement of support here.
  3. We’re saying farewell to Slack — come join our community forum! Right now our community is disjointed & we really want to bring everyone together to increase the learning & sharing.
  4. Say “hi” to our brand new Community Leaders in the forum.
  5. So long, bug tracker (submit a ticket, instead!)— hello, educational resources. Have an idea for a tutorial you’d like to see us make? Submit your idea here

Read on if you’re interested in learning more about the catalyst for these changes & the hopes we have for support.

The Full Scoop

In my role at Adalo, I have had the distinct pleasure of working with all types of makers — hearing their stories, learning about their apps, seeing the impact of the No-Code movement. It is inspiring. There is not one day that goes by that I am not blown away by the creativity, ingenuity, and quite frankly, grit of the makers that come into contact with Adalo. Seriously, check out some of the awesome examples I’ve seen in our showcase (here).

I also have the pleasure of coming into contact with other No-Code tool creators and — I kid you not — the beginning of our conversations always start with how amazing the No-Code community is. It’s unlike any other. 

Makers are doers, helpers, and problem-solvers — it’s just part of who you are & it makes this particular community one in a million. It probably goes without saying, this community — both the Adalo one & the No-Code community at large — is very important to us. 

The community has helped us spread the news about No-Code, helped solve problems, taught others, created buzz and celebrated new features. Y’all have given feedback, cared about our employees personal lives, and been patient as we’ve had to learn the startup ropes.  

One of the biggest ways you’ve been patient with us is with our customer support. 

While I like to say we have the best problem in the world — so many people to help — it became very apparent that our “best problem” was quickly becoming our maker’s biggest nightmare. 

Part of this problem stems from a failure to set expectations around support, as well as taking in support queries from so many different channels. The support process was vague — from where do you go when you need support? To who gets support? To what types of support you can expect from our team?

While we didn’t intend for support to go sideways, as our community has grown we were not intentional about how support fit into the community, but we’re here to turn that around!

Our Solution

We’ve spent the last two months working on new support processes that will not only be best for each of you, but foster the community we’re looking to build for Adalo. We have received advice from our makers, sought out help from those that have gone before us (thanks, Waldo from Webflow!) and considered exactly what we feel confident in delivering on. 

You may have noticed a few of the changes we’ve put into place, but if you’ve missed them: here they are. 

Ticketing & Forum

We have seen the largest success for makers that submit tickets to the Adalo team or those that are active in our community forum. From here on out, that is where we will dedicate our resources to providing support. 

In the past, we took support queries through support@adalo.com, hello@adalo.com and a support form. Moving forward, any email submissions to the two mentioned email addresses will receive an auto-responder directing them elsewhere and fair warning: that auto-responder is not checked by our team. 

Our hope with making this switch is to improve the efficiency in which our team can respond to tickets by asking for app details, screenshots, and videos upfront. This saves us a lot of back & forth time and allows us to jump right into problem-solving — so thank you, in advance for sending those 😊. 

Just to be extra, extra clear: our team will only be working on tickets that are submitted through the form.

In the Forum, we’ve appointed Community Leaders (more on that below) & they have been rockstars at answering questions, tidying the forum so topics are easily searchable & pointing any (& every) one in the right direction. Our hope is that over time more & more people will get involved on the Forum & this becomes the go-to place to learn, interact, and share successes! 

Community Leaders

As mentioned, we’ve appointed six Community Leaders inside the forum. These makers have been very active in our community since they have joined, often finding solutions & educating others. While the Adalo employees are encouraged to respond to queries in the forum, the Community Leaders & all our makers will have the largest impact by helping each other out.

I’m not just saying this, but oftentimes the makers in the forum are pushing the Adalo product and have solved things that even our team doesn’t know how to do 🤭 The knowledge-sharing in the forum is amazing. 

Statement of Support

Another change to our process is the Adalo Statement of Support. We have outlined several types of support that our team offers — and resources for the things that our team will not help with at this time. 

Our hope here is that we can solve the most pressing problems our makers face in a timely & effective manner. So instead of answering “how do I do…” questions, we will be shifting our focus to ensuring the Adalo platform works as it should. 

I encourage each of you to read through the statement of support to get the best understanding of how we’ll be providing support moving forward.

Sunsetting Slack

This might be the most shocking of all changes to y’all. While we love Slack as an internal tool, this is certainly one of the areas where it has been most challenging for our team to keep up. It has been unclear whether Slack is somewhere to go for support & we’ve blurred the lines by offering support in DMs and specific conversations… and then not others. This has, understandably, led to frustration. 

To clear up the confusion & frustration, we have decided to bid farewell to our Adalo Community Slack channel in favor of conversations happening in the forum. In a move to unite our two communities (forum & Slack) and to ensure that everyone gets the help & support they need, we think saying good-bye to Slack is the best way to achieve that. 

This change will take effect on December 14, 2020.

Sunsetting the Public Bug Tracker

Another point of confusion is where to submit bugs — we have a public bug tracker that has not been kept up to date & we get bugs through tickets, emails, the forum, social media, and more! 

We went back & forth internally on the best way to track these bugs. With hopes that we could keep the process public, the way we intended the bug tracker to work is not possible. 

At this time, it’s best to submit the bugs you find via a ticket & our team will take it from there! Funneling all bug communication through the tickets will ensure we can effectively squash them & communicate with y’all about their resolution. 

Educational Resources

Our largest hope for the changes we’re making to our support process is to free up time to begin creating more educational resources for everyone — tutorials, help articles, app templates, cloneable kits & more. We certainly understand that one of the best ways we can help each of you be successful is to improve the self-service aspect of our platform & that begins with education. 

We’ve made a new place for you to recommend tutorials & up-vote ideas to guide where we spend our tutorial-makin’ time! See that here. And we’re working on a new home for all our tutorials (even community made ones!) — so stay tuned for that.

This is a work in progress

Whew… if you’ve made it this far, bravo! This is a lot! 

Our hope while making these changes is that we are fostering a community where everyone gets the help they need & we’re all growing and learning together. We are doing our best to be intentional about the changes that we’re making to benefit you, our makers and as we continue to grow, we’ll revisit what our support looks like. 

Today, our support will be through tickets & the forum. Tomorrow… well, all we can say is we’re excited for what the future will bring.  

One More Thing…

If the idea of building a community & offering support to the world’s finest makers excites you — we’re hiring! Read more about our open position here.

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