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You just finished building your very own gaming app. While you spent hours designing and building your app, the “easy” part is out of the way - it’s time to market your gaming app. 

While it may seem a bit intimidating, marketing your gaming app doesn’t have to be an impossible task.

In this article, we’ll walk you through two quick and easy steps for marketing your gaming app. 

Step 1: Create a One-Page Site for Your Game

To illustrate what your game is all about, you need a home base that people can find quickly to learn more about your game. There’s no better home base than a one-page website. A one-page website is exactly what it sounds like– a website that has only one page and doesn’t link to any other internal ones.

One-page sites are super easy to build. You won’t need to leverage any coding skills – just use the drag-and-drop interface that these sites have and build your site in under an hour. 

What You Can Feature On a One-Page Site

You’ll be able to showcase your game’s best attributes. Upload video clips and screenshots from your game that site visitors will see when they visit your site. It’s also important to sprinkle a few positive reviews from happy gamers onto your one-page website. 

Positive reviews might convince more people to download your game. Directly below the reviews, link to your game’s location on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store so visitors can download it with ease. 

Here’s a list of our four favorite one-page site builders: 

1. Zyro: We love Zyro because it uses an AI-prompt system to build your site in minutes. Just type in how you want your site to appear and function, and it will create your site. Drag and drop new features manually if the AI doesn’t create exactly what you had in mind.  

2. Adalo: Adalo has beautiful templates, tons of integrations, and an easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface. You can also preview your site in Adalo to see how each function and feature will appear when your site is live. You can even transform your on-page site into a native app with Adalo and put it on the Apple App Store and Google Play Stores. Doing this will expose your game to an even larger audience. 

3. Wix One Page Builder: Wix, a popular website builder for traditional sites, also offers a one-page website builder. It has over 40 one-page templates available, and you can rejig the colors to fit your tastes. You can even upload your own images and videos to your site with ease. 

4. uKit: uKit is a unique one-page site builder because it supports e-commerce. People can pay for your game through uKit’s payment integration, and you can let them download it by integrating an add-on like Ecwid. Your fans can immediately buy and download your game, which can help you make more sales.  

Step 2: Beta Test with A Marketing Twist

You’ve probably run your app through a series of tests to get rid of the bugs and rejig settings. Now, it’s time to share your game with a large group of people so they can test it before you release it to the market. 

Beta testing lets testers provide solid 3rd-party feedback about your game’s performance and user experience. This feedback is extremely valuable because you’ll get unbiased opinions about the pros and cons of your game. Grab a pen and paper because you’re going to be learning a lot.  

Here’s how to go about beta testing your app

  1. Recruit Testers: Reach out to a few dozen gamers for app testing by posting recruiting ads for people willing to test on social media. No luck getting a few dozen people? 

    Quickly connect with people ready to test your app game on BetaList, Betabound, and ErliBird and get to work. These platforms are full of seasoned game-testers who will be able to provide excellent feedback that can help improve your game. 
  1. Define Testing Parameters and Start Testing: Don’t be an amateur - test like a scientist conducting an experiment. Provide your testing pool with questionnaires and ask them specific questions about the game’s UX, responsive time, and more. Be sure to include a space on the form where testers can write specific feedback. 

    Give the beta testers a time limit of a week or two. This will ensure a prompt start and clear test conclusion Don’t forget to pay your testers – rewarding your testers will incentivize them to perform a solid job. 

    When beta-testers leave stellar feedback, add it to your site! A few good reviews will go a long way in marketing your game.
  1. Collect Feedback and Implement Changes: After the testing period ends, collect all of the feedback and make sure to examine it carefully. If there are recurring issues, try to fix them as soon as possible. 

    The great thing about beta testing is that you get feedback from dozens of people, so if there are any minor issues, many testers will spot them

Transform Beta Testers into Marketers

Beta testing is complete, and you now have dozens of people who have first-hand experience playing your app game. That’s dozens of voices that can help you market your app. 

Leveraging these people’s experience testing your app can give you serious marketing traction. But you can only do this if testing goes well and you receive a decent amount of good feedback. In other words, you really need to ensure your app is almost flawless before beta testing. 

Many of your testers are dedicated gamers and are connected to even more gamers on social media. In exchange for some posts on Instagram, Twitch, or TikTok, give your testers-turned-marketers freebies, like credits in the game or discounts on in-app purchases. 

Having your beta testers serve as your social media marketing team can expose your game to huge audiences

If any of your marketers side hustle as bloggers, ask them to write a feature about your game. Serious gaming bloggers enjoy writing about hot new games, so why not ask them to write about yours? 

A written review can delve into the finer details of your game, discuss which tools or weapons work the best in certain situations, and offer a guide for conquering difficult levels. Players might find this advice interesting and valuable, making them more willing to continue playing your game after learning how to execute a few new in-game skills and tricks.   


It’s important to make updates to your one-page site on a regular basis. When you release new features for your game, upload an explainer video that illustrates the new features on your one-page site. This will keep players in the loop about new updates, and they’ll appreciate not being surprised by any sudden changes.  

Stay in contact with your original beta testers, and reach out to people on social media who love your game. Doing this may result in a social media presence that continually grows. If your game has a strong online presence, many people should download and play it.

Enhance Your Gaming App and Build Almost Any Kind of Native App With Adalo

Interested in developing a regular native app? Then Adalo is your best choice. 

Adalo is a no-code mobile app builder that lets you make native mobile and web apps. It’s so simple to use that even people without coding or technical knowledge can make professional-looking apps in no time. It comes packed with integrations to over 5,500 applications and technologies like Google, Airtable, Stripe, PayPal, Zapier, and more.  

You can build almost any app with Adalo and then easily update it to keep your users happy. When your game is ready, publish it on the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. Everyone will love this convenience.  

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