By David Adkin | Co-founder of Adalo
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When will the first product built with no-code IPO?

It's hard to predict when the first no-code IPO will be. I definitely believe that it’s possible but I’m not sure when.

Probably the same time range (as a popular product), three to four years.

I think that's probably the same time (as to get high popularity), it's like five to seven years.

I think we should all make this a goal for it to happen in the next 10 years.

I'm gonna be pretty conservative on this one — like twenty years...

This is probably more of a five to 10 year range for me.

[Lacey] Oh, good seven years.

[Ben] I'm gonna I'm gonna take a hot take here. I think in the next two to three years, you can see it.

[Matt] Seven to 10.

Next Question
When will there be more agencies & dev shops that use no code tools that don’t?
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About The Interviewer
About The Interviewer
David Adkin
Co-founder of Adalo | I love design, dogs, & basketball.
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The Future is No-Code Book & Mini-Series - What do all the experts think about the future of no-code? | Product Hunt Embed