By David Adkin | Co-founder of Adalo
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Can we settle this subconscious debate… is it No Code or No-Code?

I think it's got to be no dash code. Okay. It has to be. Because it helps with the idea that we're not actually saying there's no code involved. So I think that the no dash code alternative makes that more clear that it's more of a pronoun.

I'm doing the no dash code, but I hope I hope I'm not starting a flame war or anything… oh gosh I lost half my customers right there.

I personally like no space code just for an accessibility and marketing perspective. No dash code feels like a, almost like, the nerdier version. I think the no dash code one only sounds acceptable to people who are already in the tech world.

There's no debate. And there's only one answer. It’s the dash. It's not like there's not no code involved so it has to be the dash.

I'm just gonna roll with the dash.

We're kind of looking at coining a term like no-low, but you heard it first here!

I think it's just the hashtag — #nocode — all one word.

I feel like lately I've actually been going capital N capital C, all one word: NoCode.

[Lacey] I use just two words. No. Code.

[Ben] No dash code.

[Matt] It's no dash code.

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About The Interviewer
About The Interviewer
David Adkin
Co-founder of Adalo | I love design, dogs, & basketball.
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