Kaito Shibayama

Adalo Services
App Design & Build
App Design & Build
UX & UI Help
UX & UI Help
1 on 1 Coaching
1 on 1 Coaching
Typically $100 - $150 per hour
Accepting New Projects
Not Currently Available
Hokkaido, Japan
English, Japanese
WebFlow, Zapier, Airtable
Web Design
Startups, Small Business
A Little Bit About Me
A Little Bit About Us
Adaloで作成したUnion -大学生のためのSNSはNocodeでは日本初、Adaloでは世界最大規模の1,000万円をベンチャーキャピタルより資金調達済。その他、計5つのネイティブアプリをIOS, Androidで公開。デザイン性に優れたアプリ作成やコーチングなどが得意です。
My Website
Our Website
Things We've Built with Adalo
Things I've Built with Adalo
Union - 大学生のためのSNS.
Nomuca -飲食店ユーザー
Union - 大学スタッフ
Art-In is the place where you can share your artistic works and love. We just launched this app recently and looking for at least 5 artists of every genre such as contemporary Art, Ceramic Art, Sculpture and so on.

Hire Kaito Shibayama to help build your app!

What’s the process like to work with an Adalo Expert?
Overall we try to keep the process relaxed yet professional. After you submit a request, the Adalo Expert will reach out and you’ll have a meeting to see if there’s a match. If you don’t want to work with them there’s no pressure you can set up other meetings. At the end of the day we just want your idea to come to life.
How does someone become an Adalo Expert?
We have an initial video screening with all potential experts where we do a quick self assessment and talk with them about their previous design experiences.
Interested in becoming an expert? Fill out the form!
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